Hefei asphalt shingle manufacturers, Hefei shingles stores, wholesale glass tile Hefei, Hefei asphalt shingles shingles asphalt shingle manufacturers information department Shushan, Luyang District shingles factory, where some sell Yaohai glass tile, Changfeng County Coke tile construction, roofing construction Feidong, Feixi roofing manufacturers Jen Adams Cup race Teng Hangzhou asphalt shingles are more Tile Co., Ltd's first high-end brands. Fiberglass tire asphalt shingles applied to concrete and wooden roof structure, which adds to the environment romantic, warm and comfortable, giving "pastoral life" to enjoy, and it is the lightest weight integrated nature of the new tile material due to light weight, can greatly reduce the roof load, reduce transport costs and construction costs, for some construction projects and renovation of old houses in floor, use a single layer of asphalt shingles is the most appropriate as this. Mainly has the following characteristics: all-weather, elegant colors, beautiful, improve the environment. Thermal insulation, good flexibility, any structural construction of complex shapes can meet the design requirements. Construction is simple, clean, and can reduce labor intensity. Long service life, resistance to pressure, waterproof performance. Replace the traditional clay pottery tile, cement tile. Both waterproof and beautiful, reducing roof load. Most of the buildings are currently still pitched roof clay tile, glazed tile, colored cement tile, but these products will have its own shortcomings, such as the presence of clay tile trachoma, crack, warp, mouth and other shortcomings, glazed tile fragile, easily the cracking, Reflective glare, cement tile is heavy, discoloration, water seepage, high overall cost. In recent years, countries have issued building materials major policy-oriented document, prohibit the use of clay products, to promote practical, efficient and environmentally friendly new building materials. Fiberglass tire asphalt shingles is in line with the market demand and government policy-oriented energy conservation, both in terms of safety, ease of construction, energy source section, the overall cost, aesthetics, etc. can be better than the current clay tile , glazed tile, cement tile, and other products.