Color asphalt shingles features: 1) a relatively high strength, good anti-aging properties, to adapt to climate and strong, long life, and to facilitate long-distance transport. 2) bitumen Wawa light, reducing the roof load, simplify level structure, reduce the need for heavy Liang Zhucheng, asphalt shingles only traditional tile (cement tile, clay tile, glazed tile) 20% by weight, can save a lot of construction materials, reduce project cost. 3) asphalt shingles have a certain flexibility, easy paved structure complex shape of the tapered, spherical, curved, etc., suitable for large roof slope change. 4) dry construction, laying easy, quick and easy, improve efficiency, the construction can be adapted to different climates, and easy maintenance, the roof can make people walk without damaging the roof, the advantages of traditional tile can not be compared. 5) products rich in color, stereoscopic, variety, good decorative effect, for the architect to provide a more extensive selection. Advantages :( variety of needs, one solution) 1. A wide range of appearance and color choices. 2. Without weather restrictions, applicability. 3. Solid color wrap, never fade. 4. Light green roof system. 5. Proper construction, no maintenance. 6. Dry operation, may cover different shapes in different grass roof. 7. The new architecture, one with your surroundings. 8. Strong weatherability, free cutting, construction convenient. 9. No special accessories, project cost savings. 10. Static treatment technology, self-cleaning and dust-proof insulation function. Products: colorful fiberglass tire asphalt shingles (commonly known as shingles cola Watts) is a glass fiber (fiberglass tire) base for the child, after dipping modified asphalt mineral pellets front cover, the back scatter to isolate the material roofing tile-like material, it has a good waterproof, decorative features, is currently widely used in the sloping roof of the new waterproof materials. High technology, nice, replacing the old traditional tiles, new tile products in the 21st century. Fiberglass tire asphalt roofing tile is used in building a new type of roofing material. The use of asphalt shingles are not only used for houses, which can be used as long as it satisfies the requirements of the construction: cement roofing thickness of not less than 100mm, wooden roof structure is not less than 30mm of any building, in addition to all the features with all the tile, It also has a feature that is especially to fit any roof shape and slope of the roof of 0-90 degrees.